research database

Projects with topic U3A

There are now 94 projects under the topic U3A.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

23Measuring the benefits of participation in U3A art and creative groups
89Membership survey (on-line), Bristol
127Membership Survey, Furness
129Exploring barriers to lifelong learning - aim of improving the inclusivity of U3A
139Membership Survey, Lancaster
143How effective is the U3A informal learning model in the 21st Century?
149Review & assessment of literature of learning methodology a & its usefulness to U3A
163U3A and Men - Survey of male membership and gender imbalance in U3As across London, NW Surrey, and nationally, in comparison with the demographics.
164Nationwide survey of children's literature, using U3A members
165Nationwide survey of memories of school, using U3A members
288Article on membership surveys
296Survey to find out relative numbers of men and women in U3A
297Growth of U3As & distribution across the UK
298National Research Database - to discover all research involving the U3A, using a variety of sources, and create a searchable database
319Exploring social inclusivity within the University of the Third Age (U3A): a model of collaborative research - Newcastle
36010 years of the Science Seminar at Abergavenny
370Research to establish value of U3A for both members and communities
385Financial questionnaire given to all U3A members in Tiverton by U3A Personal Finance Group
412Evaluation of move of Totton's meeting venue to Colbury Memorial Hall including survey of members' views
432Book on the U3A in Britain by Eric Midwinter, one of the founders. Describes the origins, development and aspirations of the British U3A
435Study of the U3A in Chepstow
437Study of the U3A in Sheffield
440Book on third age by Peter Laslett, one of the founders of U3A in Britain, which argues that it is the age of greatest personal fulfilment.
448National Survey - composition of membership
449U3A investigation into self-publishing. Experiences sought from members who have used the method
452Article in U3A News by Ian Searle (then national chairman) on research and the U3A movement
456Article in U3A News by Alex McMinn (then chair of Research Committee) on the need for the U3A to take a proactive role in university research
458Membership survey by Haywards Heath to find out how they wanted their U3A to develop in the future
410Creation of a database and website interface for information about research projects in which u3a are involved.
464Survey by U3A News Editorial Board on readers'views and wishes for the magazine
466Survey by U3A's Information and Communications Technology Advisory Group to establish use of technology in running U3As
469Academic study; why does the U3A work and will it continue to do so?
488Membership survey to discover views and preferences, Islington
498Oral history project to provide a means for Cambridge members to talk about their lives whilst being videoed, giving them a record which they could give to their descendants and to provide an in-depth body of knowledge about the current and future membership of the U3A, which could be used in research projects in the future
500The U3A, the elderly and the need for research into educational gerontology: an opinion by Dr. Jens J. Hansen
501Early background and history of the creation of the U3A in the UK 1960-1989 by Brian Groombridge
502Comparative study of two non-credit educational organisations for older people; the University of the Third Age (U3A) in the UK and the Senior University (SU) in South Korea - a PhD thesis by Julian Zerfahs
506Learning in the Third Age in the UK' – MA Dissertation by Yuhua Chengi
510Merton U3A Membership Survey 2013. Questionnaire included questions on sources of information on U3A, reasons for joining and preferred methods and venues for learning .
511Merton U3A New Members' Survey 2014. Questionnaire used in Merton 2013 Membership Survey was given to members who had recently joined.
512Merton U3A Non-Renewal Survey 2015. Telephone interviews to establish why ex-members chose not to renew their membership.
514Four decades of Universities of the Third Age: Past, present and future (Marvin Formosa)
515The role of U3A in lifelong learning (Lydia Hebestreit)
516Gender issues in older adults' participation in learning - viewpoints and experiences of learners in U3A (Alan Williamson)
517Online membership survey
518Online membership survey
519Membership survey
537Survey of members of Wooler U3A to identify how we could improve what we do - by the Wooler's Enquiring Minds group
539Article in TAM by Ivor Manley on the founding principles of the U3A, including the emphasis on research
541Salisbury U3A has produced a short history of its development over 25 years
586Reigate & Redhill decided to survey their members' opinions after a period of rapid growth and several new initiatives including evening events.
587Students from Duksung University in Seoul, South Korea visited Plymouth U3A as part of their research into educational fulfilment in the third age.
601A response to the challenges facing the NHS and society by our ageing population. One proposed solution is to increase social interactions between the elderly and various different volunteering schemes to increase social interaction through various activities. We would like to gain an insight into the different forms of more academic stimulation provided by your services and the impact that they have had on your participants. We hope to develop a structure which could be applicable on a larger scale to help solve issues such as loneliness, depression and isolation that the vulnerable elderly are likely to face.
609University of the Third Age; the role of senior citizens - article by Andre Lemieux in Educational Gerontology, Vol. 21, 1995 - Issue 4
663In Praise of U3A - article by Andrew Brown in the Guardian, 11th April 2015
662Education plays a key role in the fight against isolation and loneliness among older citizens - article by Ian Nash in Education Journal, 1st March 2016, Issue 261. It includes a reply to the main article by Pam Jones, National Chair of U3A
661U3A; making people scientifically literate - article by Ian Nash in Education Journal, 18th May 2015, Issue 233
664What do we do in Retirement? - article by Ian Nash in Mature Times, March 2016
665Extract from an an article in the Times about U3A including an interview with Barbara Lewis (previous National Chair)
666Britain's most inspiring university - article by India Sturgis for Daily Mail Online, 10th May 2015
668New technology revolution brings "learning windfall" to 500,000 third-agers - article by Ian Nash in Education Journal, 6th July 2016, Issue 239
690Sheffield U3A produced a booklet looking at their first ten years
691Ian and Sue Nash carried out a long research and interviewing project and produced a 64-page booklet for Hertford and District U3A as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations.
692Hertford and District U3A celebrated their first ten years by producing a booklet for their members.
693A list of the more unusual U3A study groups in the London Region - about 70 of them - where the number for a specific group within the capital is in single figures or in some cases where there is only one group covering the subject.
710Merton and its groups
711Arthur Maltby has put his past profession as a indexer and archiver to good use, by researching and setting up an index of all the unusual U3A interest groups from around the country. The Index of The Rare covers subjects offered by less than 20 U3As which are unusual and cross references each U3A. So not Art, but ‘Art as Therapy’. Not French but languages like Turkish or Danish. Subjects include Sex in Ancient Times, Bolsheviks, Fungi, Zulu War Studies, Walking Netball and Writing Limericks.
741Young and old learning together - Seaham Harbour U3A compared how it's done here and in Germany
749Article written by a U3A member who is a retired police officer for the magazine of the Retired Police Officers Association in Scotland
829Reading U3A has compared lifelong learning in the UK and Germany, using the established town twinning arrangements
864Qualitative survey of hearing experiences of members attending Worcester U3A groups
885Think U3A when you relocate! Many third agers take into account whether there is a U3A nearby when relocating to a new area. U3A is a great way to meet people with similar interests- share interests learning and activities in a relaxed environment.
891Survey of members of Carlisle U3A, with 42 questions covering 7 areas of interest.
892This survey was described as a mathematical x-ray of the innards of a U3A, extracting every possible statistic from the answers and from the information already held
914U3Aness is good for you. Concern about the health effects of loneliness in older people is part of the motivation behind the government strategy on loneliness. Loneliness is a risk factor for poor health and dementia; some argue that it is worse than smoking. One proposal in the policy is the expansion of social prescribing services – “Social prescribing connects people to community groups and services” so that, for example, GPs can prescribe such things as dancing, gardening etc., according to an individual’s social, emotional or practical needs. It is predicted that social prescribing will be in every GP practise within the next two years.
921Article about the reissue of a book by one of the founders of U3A in the UK, Eric Midwinter, Education and the Community
922Book about adult education
946Len Street, the former U3A Chairman, has pointed out that U3As have linked with the National Trust to research a garden layout, have recorded oral history of a town and are engaged in a project to create an oral history archive of 20th century technological developments. Other U3As could assist museums in local research, cataloguing, using members’ technological knowledge about processes and equipment, restoration work, role players or room stewards. U3As with art groups have given accounts of their visits to galleries in SOURCES, and archaeologists and historians have used the museums’ resources. This Government policy publication, The Learning Power of Museums, will add impetus to the growth of a learning society of which all U3As are a part.
949During the last year or two these issues have risen to the top of the agenda of the National Executive Committee. One concerns the profile of the membership of the U3A. Apart from the self-evident truth that our members are thirdagers, we know little else about them. Visually one thing is very clear; almost all our members are white. Another issue raises the question whether there are 'no-go’ U3A territories. Are there parts of our larger towns and cities where U3As do not exist and are unlikely ever to come about?
950Experiments in Third Age Education At the Norwich Conference 2000 the Standing Committee for Education (SCE) mounted a programme designed to focus on the U3A interest group, the resources that support it and the members who animate it. Following a tripartite presentation to the whole conference covering the Resource Centre, SOURCES and new developments in distance learning, ten colleagues led group sessions either replicating a first meeting in selected subject areas or exploring some approaches and methodologies current in U3A. In October the participants met in London to evaluate the project, many contributing considered written papers to the meeting. A similar structure was the basis of a Study Day held by U3A Scotland in Perth and this article is partly a report and partly a personal reflection on both events.
952We are currently living through an unprecedented period, due to the coronavirus and everyone’s daily lives are being affected. The situation is impacting on people in lots of different ways and you will all have your own experiences, thoughts and reflections on what this time is like for you and how it is affecting you, both on a practical and on a psychological level. We would really like to capture all of this as part of a UK wide living history project.
963COVID-19: Survey of Worcester U3A members attitudes towards re-starting U3A activities (2020)
990Exploring Social Inclusivity in the U3A by Rebecca Patterson et al. In Ageing and Society No 36, 2016
992U3A's 5th decade - Quo Vadis?
991A New Narrative for Ageing - are we ready for the 100 year life?
998The Resource Centre conducted a survey to investigate usage of the resources by U3A groups. A postal questionnaire was sent to all chairs of U3As whose groups had never used the Centre.
1003A study on study groups was carried out by the Editor of Sources, using Sussex U3As as a sample. The results were analysed by the nature of the groups, and a table showing the most popular areas is included.
10072003 Survey of U3A Learning - summary of results from first stage
1010U3A members joined a shared learning project looking into the way that we seek happiness and whether this differs across different age groups. This was co-ordinated by two academics in the department of classics and the college of humanities at the University of Exeter. There are three ancient prescriptions – Epicurus, Stoics, and Aristotelian.
1044COVID-19: Survey of Worcester U3A members attitudes towards re-starting U3A activities (2021)
1053Article in The Bristol Magazine about the benefits of belonging to Bristol U3A and taking part in its activities
1060Market Research Report: People who have recently left full time work
1077Headlines from the survey of member communications
1079Worcester u3a: attendance at presentation meetings - historical review and member survey 2022