research database

Projects with topic Walks

There are now 20 projects under the topic Walks.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

75Walk on Dartmoor created by U3A members for Discovering Britain series of guidebooks
121Book of walks near Stow Maries airfield, Essex
122Olympic walk along north bank of Thames from estuary to Stratford. Various U3As led sectiions of route from Shoeburyness to Stratford
132Olympic walks along Hertfordshire Way & Lea Valley Walk to Stratford
147Wormley West End Circular Walk. Members researched a local walk which includes many historical buildings and a variety of flora and fauna.
252Creating a walk based on philanthropy in City of London
273Olympic walk along the Thames from west of London to Stratford
279Places to visit in SW London
356Walk on Bodmin Moor created by U3A members for Discovering Britain series of guidebooks
362Walk in Yorkshire Dales created by U3A members for Discovering Britain series of guidebooks
377Celebrating the South Downs - lost villages, geology, bonfires, stained glass, paintings & photography
383Thames Riverside Project is a mix of walks of different lengths, focusing on industrial history, wildlife, the arts and photography
404Walk along Dee estuary created by U3A members for Discovering Britain series of guidebooks
408Mapping Hadrian's Wall & guidebks
96The Earl Bishop Hervey and the north coast of Northern Ireland
562Wokingham's Walks into History group researched local history and shared their research by walking the routes to see the features, such as the sites of past ferries and how Shiplake grew with the arrival of the railway.
567Dementia Outdoors. Taking dementia patients and carers a walk in the Yorkshire Dales
591Five U3As known as CHaTTR U3As, in the Thames Valley network, have researched the River Thame, a tributary of the Thames. Many different groups looked at historic buildings, footpaths and walks, the flora and fauna and the geology while others produced photographs, paintings, poetry and a banner.
651Meopham U3A Bee Watch group began in 2017. We walk, at monthly intervals, a set route of between 1 and 2 km and record the variety and quantity of any bumblebees that we see, taking note of the caste i.e. male, female, worker, or unknown, plus the vegetation & prevailing wind, weather & cloud conditions. Initially 5 routes were surveyed with 4 being recorded on the Bumblebee Conservation Trust website 'BeeWalk' online reporting scheme. In 2017 another site was at a local garden centre which provided an easily accessible area where less mobile members of the group could take part. We are grateful to the BumbleBee Conservation Trust for providing some initial identification training, but anyone interested can take part - the BBCT will help you with identification. During 2018, walks continued & we were able to revise some of our routes as experience grew. The 2019 season ended in October and reports and plans for 2020 are currently in preparation.
1024The Slow Ways project aims to create a network of safe, easy and enjoyable walking routes that connect towns, cities and villages across the UK. The website is open to anyone but it's hoped that U3A members taking part will create activity in their local areas and that it may develop into more specialised aspects of walks, eg, bird watching, geology etc by way of local interest groups.