research database

Projects with topic War

There are now 76 projects under the topic War.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

88Brecon men killed in WW1, from war memorial, by U3A Family History Group
102Researching the lives of 98 men on war memorials in Amersham
106Working with primary school children in Cupar on WW2 memories
109Research into names on village war memorials, W.Midlands
119Study of only surviving WW1 airfield at Stow Maries, Essex
124Remiscences about the WW2 and 1950s, Flintshire
131Life and Times of Hayling Island 1914-1919
135History of 200 servicemen who went to war from the Holmes Chapel area - project by U3A Local History Group
138Interviews about memories of Kirkby in 1940s, 50s and 60s, before Kirkby became a New Town. Photography and art groups researched old images of Kirkby and new paintings were produced.
159Stories of American GIs based at Hall Place, Bexley in 1944 (Station Y in Operation Ultra)
161WW1, various topics
162Researching St Katherine's Dock, food in war time, pleasure travel on Thames & Sainsbury Archive
242Lost stories of those directly affected by the Battle of Jutland, to be used as the core of the National Maritime Museum exhibition narrative.
244Surbiton in WW1 & Hillcroft College
246Lives of conscientious objectors in London, WW1
247To research some of the forgotten stories of Conscientious Objectors (COs) in WW1
274Research on Surbiton citizens as soldiers, auxiliary workers & COs in WW1, also women doing war work
282Hillcroft College in WW1
283Role of Battersea Town Hall in WW1
285Investigating memories of evacuees in WW2 - intergenerational project in Battersea schools
291Stories of men from Sussex villages who fell in WW1 and families left behind
299Book of memories of childhood from ww2
301Wartime memories, especially German POWs and Gibralarian refugees.
306Causes and effects of WW1 battles, conditions and social history, by Northampton U3A World War 1 Group
343Lives of 8 men on Pentrefelin War Memorial
344The Impact on the People of Portsmouth of the Battle of Jutland by Portsdown U3A's Jutland Research group and Local History and Genealogy groups.
345400 biographies based on war memorials, researched by Radcliffe's Local Research Project Group. Includes wartime letters, details of deaths and life in wartime Radcliffe.
346Researching war memorial, Ramsay
349Surrey in Great War
350WW1 Surrey graves project
363Role of horses in WW1
375Home front in Stoke during WW1, researched by U3A WW1 History Group
392WW1 Parcels for POWs, Warrington, researched by U3A Family History Group. We transcribed onto two databases the entries in six ledgers, found in Warrington Museum Archives, detailing the sending of bread, tobacco, and food parcels to soldiers from the South Lancashire Regiment held in Germany as Prisoners of War towards the end of World War 1. The parcels were sent out by the local Regimental Care Committee under the auspices of the Red Cross, and paid for by public subscriptions and sponsorship. We carried out much research into the contents of the parcels, conditions in the camps, the fund-raising events organised in the town, the identity of the sponsors (whose details formed the substance of the second database). The research was then given as a presentation to the Family History Group and compiled into a printed booklet, copies of which were given to the Museum, the Regimental Museum, and Warrington U3A, and were bought by some members of the group.
396Residents of Wessington killed WW1 from the Harraton War Memorial, by the U3A War Memorials Group
426Stories of the people of Lewes in WW2 as recorded by U3A Oral History Group
439Research into names on war memorial at Market Drayton, by U3A Local History Group
445Memories of WW2
446Recollections of VE Day by U3A Lifelong Learning Group
455Research on River Emergency Service, formed in 1939 to assist damaged ships and clear the Thames of mines
460Recollections by local people of the lives of Major & Mrs Stewart of Burnby Hall and of the impact of WW2 on the people of Pocklington
465Request for photographs or transcripts of personal WW1 memorabilia as part of online archive
482Bedford's Miniatures Group researched the role of the Bedfordshire Regiment in WW1 and using contemporary photographs, built a 1/12th scale trench system including a mine tunnel.
483Sully Remembers 1914-1918. Continuation of previous research into names on war memorial in Sully church, with input from children at the local primary school with a Design a Medal competition.
484Beverley's Family History Group researched their ancestors' WW1 experiences.
485Northampton History Group wrote biographies of each of 137 men and one woman buried in the Commonwealth War Graves in Northampton
487Background research on the role of WRENs at Greenwich for their Centenary in 2017.
490Research into the Cold War and how it affected our lives; the public’s experience of the Cold War from 1945 – 1962 through oral history interviews with men and women about their daily lives, families, jobs, leisure time and awareness of the Cold War especially in the 1950s
513Camberley 's Family History group researched the names on the memorial stones of those killed in WW1 from St George's, Camberley, now demolished
184Groups at East Lothian have studied the damage to St.Mary's Kirk, at Haddington during the Scots-English conflict of the 1540s.
524Surveying and investigating lookouts from the Napoleonic War and the two World Wars on top of North Berwick Law.
530A collection of stories of wartime childhood by members of Alnwick U3A
542Bookham's Military History group have located and researched material on WW2 in Great and Little Bookham
564Research to find out about soldiers who died in 1914/1918 war and are listed on graves in Beckett Street Cemetery.
566Researching & commemorating men lost in World War 1 listed on town memorial in HORNSEA.
572Chorleywood's Local History Group produced biographies of the fifty men named on the WW1 war memorial.
574War memorial research into names of local boys killed in action & investigating life on home front
589Members of the Bearsden & Milngavie Genealogy group researched the lives of five young men who had connections with Bearsden and died in the Battle of the Somme.
617Ripley U3A Genealogy Group has researched the names of 203 men on the town's war memorial
716A 16-y-o from a local school has created a smartphone app as part of an SLP with Wessington U3A's war memorials group. The app complements the group's 'Wor Poppy Walk'
729The 1688 Battle of Reading Julie McLaren (Wokingham U3A) plans to research the Battle of Reading, a skirmish between an advance guard of William of Orange's invading Dutch army and Irish forces stationed in Reading loyal to James II. This was one of the few violent clashes in England during the 'Glorious Revolution'.
736Reserach into the human rights of armed forces personnel
746Wyre Forest's local and social history group developed a project on the War Graves Commission.
774The Suffragette Surgeons of World War One. At the outbreak of the First World War the Suffragettes not only ceased their military campaign, they actively threw themselves behind the national war effort. One way in which they did this was through their work as nurses, doctors, and surgeons.
775A Soldier’s Right to Life. In 2013 the Supreme Court ruled that soldiers’ right to life did indeed extend to cover them when they were away from British bases in warzones. However, concern over soldiers’ equipment and how, when this is inadequate, it puts soldiers’ lives at risk, is not a new problem, and has roots as far back as the Crimean War of 1853-6.
787First World War Conscientious Objectors in South London There was no conscription in Britain at the beginning of the First World War. However, by the end of 1915, 528,272 men had been either killed, wounded, or were missing in action. In response, the government introduced The Military Service Act. It became law on 27 January 1916 and all unmarried men aged 18-41 were automatically enlisted. In May 1916 conscription was widened to include married men. Although many opposed conscription, few actively resisted. However, a significant number of conscientious objectors came from South London; a search of Cyril Pearce’s Register identifies 21 in Southwark, 46 in Bermondsey and 147 in Camberwell, Peckham and Dulwich.
812U3A project researching the lives of the WW1 servicemen named on the Dodworth War Memorial. This four year research project will be completed this November. Leader of the War Memorials Project group, Robert Green, said “We looked at our local memorial and asked ourselves ‘who were these men from our village?’ Using our research experience we have managed to bring to life the story of each serviceman and sadly, in most cases, the circumstances of their death.”
831A local history group investigated the story of Holmes Chapel during and immediately after the First World War
832Research into local people killed during First World War; more than 200 residents were killed or missing. The Stitch and Chat Group knitted and crocheted poppies for sale in support of the British Legion.
842The First World War produced Britain’s first major anti-war movement. Conscientious Objectors (COs) were a collection of individuals who refused to fight. Although there were organisations such as the No-Conscription Fellowship, it was up to the individual, at enormous personal sacrifice, to make the protest. This meant facing alone the combined strength of the judiciary, the military, the government, and the vast majority of public opinion. Changes to attitudes and laws as a result of their protest were not brought about by an inspired or brilliant individual who forced change. There were no leaders of the movement as such, although there were prominent individuals. It was the accumulative action of ordinary citizens that made the difference.
862Holmes Chapel and District's local history group has looked at the impact of WW1 on agriculture, community involvement in volunteer activities such as nursing, and the arrival of Belgian refugees.
887Commemoration of the end of World War One
888Commemoration of the end of World War OneA joint event by Huyton and Halewood U3As took place on Thursday 8th November. It was well attended and included members from Knowsley Borough Council and the Huyton Historic Society.
953Evacuees Project - first hand accounts from evacuees and those who got to know them.
966Research into the men in the village of Gilwern who fought in WW1
986Plymouth U3A's Discovery Group explores topics with a historical interest and the current project is 'Forts and Defences of the South West'. Members spend their meetings on site visits, some of which are ruins, overgrown or on private land. They have already gained knowledge of military architecture and a better understanding of the problems of defending our southern shore.
1086Collection of WW2 memories by members of Warrington u3a Family History Group, portraying the roles that their parents and other ancestors carried out, whether military or civilian, but with the emphasis on the many civilian tasks undertaken - eg Home Guard, Air Raid Precautions wardens etc.