research database

Projects with topic Arts

There are now 77 projects under the topic Arts.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

23Measuring the benefits of participation in U3A art and creative groups
71Part of 'Museum of My Life' project based on six Northumbrian museums
114Follies, grottos & crinklecrankle walls in Norfolk and Suffolk by U3A Architectural Group
130History and memories of Electric Palace cinema at Harwich
164Nationwide survey of children's literature, using U3A members
168Investigation of BFI films featuring older women, involving Wembley Film Group from Brent U3A. U3A members nationwide involved via questionnaire
169Preparing guide to BFI Mediatheque film archive
170Guide to BFI Mediatheque films about East End of London
171Children's literature over last 100 years
172Children's literature over last 100 years - 2nd project
173Researching detective fiction
195Gallery accessibility for older and disabled visitors at Dulwich
196Researching Visitor Book 1867-8 at Dulwich. This was a pilot project of one volume to assess whether scanning all 49 volumes would be practical or worthwhile.
206U3A members making music together as a creative ensemble & working on collaborative composition
214Researching Jewish successes in Olympic Games
219Art & artists in Adam International Review (arts magazine) at Kings College London
249Socks & More; weaving and knitting at the Petrie Museum and making ancient Egyptian socks from scratch
253Archive research from founding in 1732; Royal Opera House in other collections; what users would want from digital archive.
254Pilot project to collect oral histories at Royal Opera House - training given for interviewing
255Interviews with Royal Opera singers & dancers from re-opening 1946
259Research artwork and design a 'Cinderella' stamp to promote a U3A group. Volunteers will learn about Cinderella stamps and stamp design from an external speaker and will use photography, drawing, painting or other art forms to create the stamps.
262Researching Regency costume & making models to be part of Soane Museum's handling collection
266Working on Victoria & Albert's Adult Learners website - testing the independent study resources on Understanding objects, Colour, Drawing and Creative Writing
267Working with objects in Victoria & Albert
270Fiction & cultural mediation of ageing - research into leading British novelists' (David Lodge and Jim Crace) depiction of ageing
278Norwood U3A has worked with their local theatre to catalogue their costume collection. Each of the 1,256 costumes was inspected, measured, categorised according to period, style and colour and recorded on a database.
307Public art in Northern Ireland
314Conversations with contemporary Ulster artists
326Cataloguing costume collection, Perth
331Researching paintings from the Maritime Exhibition, Plymouth
361Learning languages in the third age
365Passage Theatre Group, Sheffield
377Celebrating the South Downs - lost villages, geology, bonfires, stained glass, paintings & photography
407Knitting group
415Research on paintings by William Hodges, official artist on Cook's second voyage
420Researching the artist-keepers of Dulwich Picture Gallery, Ralph Cockburn and S.P.Denning, in nineteenth century
423Entertainment in Sussex - includes games, theatre, Butlins, silent film, horse racing, pubs, joy rides in early flying machines, dance, fairs, galleries, books and home entertainment
457The Latin group of U3A Stratford has translated the London underground map into Latin, Londinium Subterraneum
467Volunteers from Northallerton's Family History group have been working on the conservation of ordnance survey maps at their local Record Office.
476North London's Architecture Group looked at The Shape of London, specifically at typology (the study of the evolution of a particular built form). The main focus of the study was theatre buildings.
479Kingswinford's Architecture Appreciation Group have researched their favourite buildings in Dudley town centre and also the work of famous architects, such as Gaudi and Pugin.
480Study of the life and works of C.S.Lewis, linked to the 50th anniversary of the death of the author
486SE London's Photography Group is working with the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. The project will involve taking pictures over a period of 18 months whilst the ceiling in the Painted Hall is being restored.
546The Design for Age Project - looked at such design issues as Arriva buses, lines painted in hospital corridors and many other items. Members acted as informants on specified items, such as tetra milk cartons, with the hope of evaluating and improving design for older people
559Acting Up; a collaboration between a theatre company and six U3As in the north west. They produced monologues, dialogues and sketches which were performed for an audience.
573Literary journey through the history, collective memory and new imaginings of some of the most atmospheric locations in Sheffield
591Five U3As known as CHaTTR U3As, in the Thames Valley network, have researched the River Thame, a tributary of the Thames. Many different groups looked at historic buildings, footpaths and walks, the flora and fauna and the geology while others produced photographs, paintings, poetry and a banner.
639Remembering 1960s British cinema-going
640Redditch U3A's photography group collaborated with Redditch History Society to chronicle the visual history of the town's evolution from agriculture to industry.
714A one day workshop to learn about and discuss the increaingly complex world of digital music. All volunteers were videoed individually. There was a follow up video session and U3A volunteers were on view in a video loop at the RCA Design annual research exhibition.
718Faringdon's quilting group presented the mayor with a set of nine panels representing the history and heritage of the town of Faringdon.
727Focus group study on benefits of joint participation in Arts activities with carers and the cared for
739Northampton U3A's Leathercraft Activity Group became volunteers on the National Leather Collection's project to help sort and catalogue 800-plus boxes of leather related objects, including fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls and leather under garments.
748Spirits of Sussex - Sussex U3A Network (SUN) are working on a special Shared Learning Project during 2018 exploring Sussex ‘s rich tapestry of legends, mixing history with myth. The term ‘spirits’ can be widely interpreted and could include spiritual beliefs, ghostly spectres and brandy smuggling.
763The way older people engage with and contribute to arts and heritage in North Kent - action research
789Antoni Gaudi was an extraordinarily inventive architect from Spain, using Gothic and Moorish styles coupled with tiles, mosaics and the colours inspired by the Mediterranean tradition. His most famous works are the Park Guell, Casa Mila and the still unfinished Sagrada Familia
792Painting Time: time passes; a fleeting moment, the hours of the day, the seasons of the year, the ages of a person's life, the epochs of history. This talk examines some of the ways by which it has proved possible to capture the passage of time in images which are by their very nature motionless.
830A project to discover how plays written and performed during the great War represented and responded to the conflict
857Following an approach to the National Museums Northern Ireland’s Ulster Museum, agreement was reached to set up a small working group to produce guidelines to help people look at art. Using the many paintings in the Museum’s collection the working group looked at portraits, landscapes and abstract art. We began to develop a series of headings that related to the different categories of paintings.
866This study looks at possible generational differences in cinema going culture, and the potential impact on memory. We are interested in looking at personal memories for leisure time activities. Research has shown how important our personal or autobiographical memories are for the development of our sense of identity, but little has been done on our memories for activities or hobbies. We have worked on a similar project looking at theatre, which we are about to publish, so we hope that this study will generate some equally interesting information about cinema.
878A project has started at Kingston University archives to be based on the Cary Ellison Theatre Programme Collection. Cary Ellison was a talent spotter who worked for Spotlight magazine and as part of his work he went on twice yearly tours of repertory performances around the country in order to find up and coming actors, directors and plays. The programmes of these productions, heavily annotated by Ellison, are now at Kingston University. They cover theatre performances from around the UK and the London West End from the 50s to 70s when Ellison was touring the country. He saw up and coming actors and made notes on their performances. Some of these people eventually became famous. Interested U3A members are being asked to research various aspects of theatre history based on the Cary Ellison programmes and notes. This is an opportunity to include U3A members across the UK because a lot of the information is already archived and can be carried out online at home.
898Two U3A writing groups have collaborated to produce an anthology of their work. Members of neighbouring Flintshire and Ruthin and District in North East Wales took 18 months to complete the project which involved collating, editing and proof reading poetry and prose all submitted by U3A members taking a sometimes wry look at growing older and embracing retirement,
917At our Meeting in April 2019, we unveiled the ‘Tree of Knowledge’, a wall hanging made by the Craft Group to celebrate and commemorate U3A Todmorden’s 10th anniversary which took place last year. The piece is housed permanently in the Central Methodist Church frame made from reclaimed wood by John Andreae, the son-in-law of our founder, John McNair. The piece, which also bears witness to hundreds of hours of work by a team of Craft Group members, represents each of our Special Interest Groups extant at the time of our anniversary.
940Doncaster U3A Needlecraft Group was invited by Age Concern to design a piece of work for inclusion in an exhibition entitled "The Time of our Lives", which was initiated by the Debate of the Age. We made a cross-stitch panel of individual pictures showing the different ages throughout our lives.
941The interest in the art of Corn Dollies started when friends were invited to my house for a short talk on the history of this ancient craft of Pagan times. So began the monthly workshops which have now been running for two years. In that time a group of eight members, who had no knowledge whatsoever of working with straw, have learned basic skills and techniques of plaiting and weaving. We are a self-help group and meet in my house where I provide the materials, such as wheat, thread, wire, ribbons etc. with easy instructions and diagrams for both traditional projects and novelties. A short time ago we presented a display to our U3A new members meeting where each member of the group showed their completed work of Corn Dollies, such as Welsh Border Fan, Suffolk Horseshoe, Mordiford Heart, Glory Braid, St. Brigid's Cross, Cat's Foot Plait, Tied-Straw Angels and Dolls, Bells, Owls, Hedgehogs and Christmas Tree Hangings. For the millennium display we are making a full size figure of the traditional Ceres.
945Architecture, art, social history, science and technology, but where does modern design fit? Three years ago a few members grouped together to look at a range of ideas beginning with the Festival of Britain 1951. Clearly the Festival did not spring into life from nowhere; it was post war and a younger generation (our generation) was looking for fresh ideas. In our initial discussions it soon became clear that the Festival was only a feature of changes already tried in the earlier part of the century. We looked at the Bauhaus and the strange influence of the Larssons in Sweden and realised that design goes back, at least, to the 1890s and is an inter-related subject with other disciplines. As the group enlarged we redefined our aims to include changing fashions, urban design in the modern city, industrial design and packaging, communications technology and modern art. This enabled each member to find a place of special interest and it placed an emphasis on their contribution to the programme rather than relying on guest speakers.
983Article by John Lloyd on running an Architecture interest group. Expertise such as building, surveying or photography may come from members of the group. But once it is accepted that architecture embraces colour, shape, position, setting, aspect, structure, economics and history, everyone can be involved.
989Sheffield's Modern Design group looked at a range of ideas such as Festival of Britain, the Bauhaus and other sources of modern design. It expanded to include changing fashions, urban design and industrial design and packaging.
996The aim of the research was to establish the proportion of domestic main entrance doorways with a level threshold, the number reporting an accident on entering or leaving and whether the door or letterbox conformed to published standards
997Maidstone's Design Group looked at access to buildings and especially 'ease of opening shop doors' - the project ran over three years.
994Bromley's Design Group established links with seneral organisations and worked on projects including household items, transport, clothing, communications and packaging.
1006Bath's Etymology group began by researching the 'Word of the Day' on the internet but has progressed to members giving talks to the group on their particular interests, such as musical terms, river names, foreign acquisitions or Australian slang.
1038Based on the Cary Ellison Theatre programme collection, held at Kingston University, this is a combination of research and personal memories of lost theatre venues across the UK
1049Write That Play! is a ten-week playwriting course for new and experienced playwrights, presented in conjunction with Citadel Arts of Edinburgh. Participants will work together on all aspects of writing plays and we plan to engage a small group of professional actors to perform work produced by course members. After the course participants will have the opportunity to join a playwriting group to further develop their writing skills and experience.
1064The Song and the Story began as a special interest group within the Calverton & District u3a in the summer of 2019. A song often conveys a great story, and many stories have inspired song-writers to pick up a guitar or sit at a piano to put the story to music. This interplay between stories and songs is what has inspired our group. Our own journey has, in itself, become a story of how a group of strangers came together and, through music, songs, stories, poetry, paintings, and lots of laughter, became friends. One of the great things about this group is the way in which it has evolved: I started out merely wanting to explore the back-story to folk songs. Once the group formed, however, members began to bring their own ‘oral histories’ and ideas to the party. We now share the research, presentations and ideas for appropriate stories and songs.
1067A continuation of the funded project to bring this Collection to new audiences, a new SLP will look at social history through the many advertisements in the theatre programmes.
1073Arts engagement and wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic: a survey of Canterbury and District u3a members Previous research has shown that the Covid pandemic has had a negative effect on the wellbeing of the general population. It has also suggested that engaging with the arts and creative activities can confer wellbeing benefits. We conducted an online survey and ran focus groups on Zoom to explore members' experiences of this during lockdown. We found that there was engagement with a variety of arts-related activities among our members and that this related to a number of wellbeing dimensions.