research database

Projects with topic Learning

There are now 57 projects under the topic Learning.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

24To understand and map the different categories of learning experience that people use
95Pack for schools at Newark Museum
123Identifying objects for work with children, Exeter
129Exploring barriers to lifelong learning - aim of improving the inclusivity of U3A
149Review & assessment of literature of learning methodology a & its usefulness to U3A
192City Lit looked for volunteers to train as co-ordinators for informal adult learning
238Basic collection care skills in order to help visitors, Museum of London
241How older people approach the learning process and make use of the facilities, Greenwich
323Oral history of 4 schools in Nuneaton
421Introduction to archives at LMA - acquisitions, cataloguing, reprographics, conservation, cleaning processes and storage.
266Working on Victoria & Albert's Adult Learners website - testing the independent study resources on Understanding objects, Colour, Drawing and Creative Writing
452Article in U3A News by Ian Searle (then national chairman) on research and the U3A movement
457The Latin group of U3A Stratford has translated the London underground map into Latin, Londinium Subterraneum
459Inquiry into the future of lifelong learning
471Inter-generational project
496A pilot study looking at how both teachers’ experiences of ageing,and their relationships with their pupils, have changed from 1970 to the present
500The U3A, the elderly and the need for research into educational gerontology: an opinion by Dr. Jens J. Hansen
502Comparative study of two non-credit educational organisations for older people; the University of the Third Age (U3A) in the UK and the Senior University (SU) in South Korea - a PhD thesis by Julian Zerfahs
526Memorandum of Understanding between University of Exeter and Exeter U3A which will allow U3A members to collaborate with academics in research projects, as well as attend lectures and become involved in events. Members are already acting as lay members on university committees and help with Medical School trials.
527Partnership between Plymouth University and Plymouth U3A which will encourage U3A members to work with the university on a variety of projects.
335School Transport. This research project (which forms part of a wider study on school transport and choices in education) hopes to make a contribution to the development of understanding about how decisions made about schooling impact on one’s life course and how the physical journey from home to school affects families choices of schooling for their children, the school experience and future education and work decisions. To start this project, we would like to speak with people who consider themselves life-long learners and listen to their experiences of education.
587Students from Duksung University in Seoul, South Korea visited Plymouth U3A as part of their research into educational fulfilment in the third age.
612To explore the ways in which museum visitors ‘receive’ an exhibition or permanent display, which is crucial to the development of optimum museum provisions for all. The project will take place at the Museum of London.
613Museum memories - this study is exploring what makes for a memorable museum visit
628To address the impact of learning two or more languages on the cognitive decline due to ageing and investigate its potential use for offsetting the effects of age related degenerative disorders in adults and the elderly.
630Researching the staff who worked at Normansfield between 1868 and 1997 and creating a series life stories of people in different periods of time with photographs and documents.
632Study investigating the effects of multilanguage acquisition on cognitive development. In particular, we are interested in how the brain learns to speak multiple languages.
662Education plays a key role in the fight against isolation and loneliness among older citizens - article by Ian Nash in Education Journal, 1st March 2016, Issue 261. It includes a reply to the main article by Pam Jones, National Chair of U3A
661U3A; making people scientifically literate - article by Ian Nash in Education Journal, 18th May 2015, Issue 233
663In Praise of U3A - article by Andrew Brown in the Guardian, 11th April 2015
664What do we do in Retirement? - article by Ian Nash in Mature Times, March 2016
666Britain's most inspiring university - article by India Sturgis for Daily Mail Online, 10th May 2015
667Open Access; free (or quite cheap) events in London. This is a list of resources (in person and on-line) which are freely available but not usually listed in one place.
668New technology revolution brings "learning windfall" to 500,000 third-agers - article by Ian Nash in Education Journal, 6th July 2016, Issue 239
669Talk to a computer - researcher looking for over-fifties to test a computerised problem solving program
694Evaluation of reading at home scheme by interviewing parents, children and teachers
741Young and old learning together - Seaham Harbour U3A compared how it's done here and in Germany
749Article written by a U3A member who is a retired police officer for the magazine of the Retired Police Officers Association in Scotland
768This unusual Shared Learning Project is at its heart about mentoring and supporting a group of local students as they develop their business idea. The young inventors are from South Eastern Regional College (SERC) Bangor, County Down, and the four budding engineers won top prize in an enterprise competition by devising an innovative fishing trawler safety mechanism.
814Decision making in horses and donkeys - an experimental study
816Examining the perceived barriers to using the internet by U3A members - focus group study
818The question is whether learning a language, even in later life, has a significant effect on the brain’s cognitive abilities and resistance to degenerative illnesses. Edinburgh University is offering to repeat an exercise carried out with the popular BBC series Trust Me I’m a Doctor, specifically with U3A members in Scotland.
829Reading U3A has compared lifelong learning in the UK and Germany, using the established town twinning arrangements
851Although audio guides are offered in many museums and galleries, very little research has looked at people’s experience of audio resources. Researchers from the University of Westminster are looking at experiences of recorded audio for a series of photos, taken from the collections of the Museum of London.
938The idea of bringing together a group of U3Agers and school Sixth Formers came from a report of activities in Seaford U3A. They had run a discussion group which had the rule that neither parents nor school staff were to be present. Two grammar schools in Salisbury warmed to the idea and for two years about ten U3Agers and ten teenagers have met after school to hold a forum, a mix of ideas and opinions on matters of topical, ethical or political interest. The Salisbury young adults come from the history and politics class in their first year of sixth form. Subjects tackled this academic year have included President Clinton, the legalising of cannabis, the politics of smoking, reform of the House of Lords, the state of matrimony, homosexuality and the future of the church. Both age groups have discovered their prejudice about each other. Assumptions have been seen to be unfounded. Not all U3Agers want to restore capital punishment and not all teenagers want to smoke tobacco or cannabis. This forum is a real learning experience.
944The Room for Thought Group was formed to stimulate members who had not done any research for some years to satisfy their curiosity about a wide range of subjects. The subjects are chosen so that each member can take one facet of it, do research and then bring the results to the next meeting. For example, the Solar System was one subject and each member was given the task of finding out as much as they could about an individual planet. The result was a collection of facts which were so interesting that a small booklet was produced. Other subjects included "A famous scientist and his/her most important discovery", "A famous artist and the member's favourite picture" and "The Twenties" with each member looking at one facet of that decade.
946Len Street, the former U3A Chairman, has pointed out that U3As have linked with the National Trust to research a garden layout, have recorded oral history of a town and are engaged in a project to create an oral history archive of 20th century technological developments. Other U3As could assist museums in local research, cataloguing, using members’ technological knowledge about processes and equipment, restoration work, role players or room stewards. U3As with art groups have given accounts of their visits to galleries in SOURCES, and archaeologists and historians have used the museums’ resources. This Government policy publication, The Learning Power of Museums, will add impetus to the growth of a learning society of which all U3As are a part.
950Experiments in Third Age Education At the Norwich Conference 2000 the Standing Committee for Education (SCE) mounted a programme designed to focus on the U3A interest group, the resources that support it and the members who animate it. Following a tripartite presentation to the whole conference covering the Resource Centre, SOURCES and new developments in distance learning, ten colleagues led group sessions either replicating a first meeting in selected subject areas or exploring some approaches and methodologies current in U3A. In October the participants met in London to evaluate the project, many contributing considered written papers to the meeting. A similar structure was the basis of a Study Day held by U3A Scotland in Perth and this article is partly a report and partly a personal reflection on both events.
980Inter-generational forum - a discussion group between a group of U3Agers sixth formers from local grammar schools. Fortnightly meetings take place without either school staff or parents and subjects discussed have included the legalising of cannabis, the politics of smoking, reform of the house of Lords, homosexuality and the future of the Church.
998The Resource Centre conducted a survey to investigate usage of the resources by U3A groups. A postal questionnaire was sent to all chairs of U3As whose groups had never used the Centre.
999Article on Learning Resources for the Lifelong Learner
1004Working with other organisations, Witney U3A helped to create a new network, 'Older and Bolder in West Oxfordshire' which meets regularly to plan and implement initiatives with older people. This included lobbying for the reinstatement of adult education classes and making closer links with Ruskin College, in Oxford.
1005Abergaveeny has an Etymology Group, formed after a talk by the later group leader on proto languages. Each meeting looks at a particular aspect and members research such subjects as first names, place names, accent/dialect or idioms.
1006Bath's Etymology group began by researching the 'Word of the Day' on the internet but has progressed to members giving talks to the group on their particular interests, such as musical terms, river names, foreign acquisitions or Australian slang.
10072003 Survey of U3A Learning - summary of results from first stage
1010U3A members joined a shared learning project looking into the way that we seek happiness and whether this differs across different age groups. This was co-ordinated by two academics in the department of classics and the college of humanities at the University of Exeter. There are three ancient prescriptions – Epicurus, Stoics, and Aristotelian.
1081Thornbury U3A has set up English classes for Ukrainians to help refugees in their area to learn the language.