research database

Projects with topic Memory

There are now 39 projects under the topic Memory.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

1Ageing & memory changes
2How people can keep and update emotional and neural information in working memory
11How people use strategies to complete memory based tasks
14Online research study to gather data for dementia prevention. 'Protect' study will examine how genes and lifestyle affect cognition in older adults over time
18Online survey to show how memories of the Beatles shape personal identities
19Research on the consolidation of memory in sleep
20To gather information about how we can improve eyewitness testimony (on-line test)
37How various cognitive processes (e.g., memory) change over the lifespan.
42Research study on memory in the elderly, using brains scans and simple tasks
46Memory and emotion in ageing
51How various cognitive processes (e.g., memory) change over the lifespan.
53The ability of people with dementia to take part in cognitive behavioural therapy - controls wanted
54Tests of memory, visuospatial & language ability
78Aughton and Ormskirk U3A trialled Mindfit, computer-based programme to keep the brain efficient. It is designed to combat the natural slowing of cognitive skills.
79Memory Course
105Memories leading to book by U3A Local History Group
489Exploring how brain processes memory
493Research to develop a training programme to improve the use of memory for past events in healthy older adults. We are looking for volunteers over the age of 70 to take part in this autobiographical memory training. The results of this work may help us to develop a programme that could one day be used to prevent further decline in people with more significant memory problems. Autobiographical memory also has links to emotional and social functions, therefore we think that training this particular type of memory can have multiple benefits to overall wellbeing in later life.
499Age-related changes in remembering and forgetting emotional words: an electrophysiological analysis
544In this study we are looking at how different brain areas work together to help us remember events. In the future this might help professionals to diagnose diseases that cause memory problems and to develop strategies to help with these problems.
573Literary journey through the history, collective memory and new imaginings of some of the most atmospheric locations in Sheffield
582The Dept. of Psychology at the University of Westminster, in collaboration with the University of Lausanne, is seeking volunteers for a project investigating how combining information from different senses (seeing and hearing) impacts on memory in older adults with and without age-related memory differences.
604An experimental study of ageing and memory with some U3A members ( having received training) as experimenters and others as participants
628To address the impact of learning two or more languages on the cognitive decline due to ageing and investigate its potential use for offsetting the effects of age related degenerative disorders in adults and the elderly.
633Recognition memory for visual stimuli
637Memory problems and sensory impairment
638The effects of motion on memory - we are interested in investigating the association between space and time. More specifically, we want to see how observing motion can induce mental time travel, and in turn whether this affects performance in a memory task.
639Remembering 1960s British cinema-going
687We are all fascinated by how our memories work. Why is it we cannot remember where we put the car keys, but have no problem remembering how to drive the car? This talk looks at how memory works, how reliable it is and what we can do to improve it.
725Blank project
695An experimental study of the relationship between memory and balance in an older population
825Language learning in later life- contribution to memory skills
851Although audio guides are offered in many museums and galleries, very little research has looked at people’s experience of audio resources. Researchers from the University of Westminster are looking at experiences of recorded audio for a series of photos, taken from the collections of the Museum of London.
897A survey in preparation for launch of the East End Women's Museum. The museum will have a permanent space in Barking in less than two years and we are trying to collect people's ideas and input as to what they'd like to see represented in the museum, what sort of facilities it should have etc.
916The Memories Project, a six-week course run for Thanet U3A, was not intended to improve the short-term memory. Far from it: the intention was to delve into our own early lives. However, we soon found that one person’s reminiscence triggered something in everyone else’s mind. Anecdotes emerged that had been long-forgotten, memories were evoked of tastes and sights and smells that were no longer around. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and would urge other groups to try it. Don’t let these historical memories fade and die. Let’s preserve the past by talking about it, writing it down and sharing it.
954We are not sure where this project is going but the underlying thought is that if we don’t record our memories they will one day be lost forever .Our plan is to capture as many memories as we can and then set about categorising what we have collected. It seems that photographs are a good way of reviving memories so if can upload one with your comments we will and try and add it to the post . Most importantly however we value your recollections so please add a comment.
959A research project to better understand how individuals find their way around cities and how this changes as they get older. The research includes an online task requiring participants to navigate from two points within London, and provide directions as they go along. This is followed by a series of survey questions.
968The study aims to examine how different kinds of memory are affected by ageing, and how different types of cognitive (mental) processing affect memory. We are comparing the performance of healthy young adults (aged 18-30 years) and healthy older adults (aged 65 years and over), and also measuring changes over time.
1054The purpose of this study is to better understand how people over 65 form beliefs about their ability to remember things and how these beliefs may positively or negatively impact their life experiences.