research database

Projects with topic Research

There are now 23 projects under the topic Research.

Click on ID for more information on a project.

317Research Ideas from the Third Age (RITA) submitted by 15 U3As in North East Region
318U3A contributed to transforming the way research is carried out within Newcastle University
421Introduction to archives at LMA - acquisitions, cataloguing, reprographics, conservation, cleaning processes and storage.
478Barnet's Family History Group took on the challenge of researching a genuine but unknown marriage certificate (bought at an antique fair) and used it as a case study to build up a history of the two families involved. This provided basic research knowledge for members to use when tracing their own ancestors.
741Young and old learning together - Seaham Harbour U3A compared how it's done here and in Germany
819Energy Efficiency Scams - One of the most problematic areas that keep emerging as a concern for consumers is the misselling of energy efficiency measures. Typically, a consumer will be contacted out of the blue by telephone to be informed that they have qualified for energy saving measures for their home such as a new boiler, solar panels etc and a follow up appointment will be arranged for a sales consultant to come out to provide further information. Once the sales consultant comes to the house, they will then subject the consumer to pressurised sales tactics in a bid to convincing them to sign an installation agreement where quite often no cancellation rights are provided. Whilst there are grants available, establishing whether you qualify can be cumbersome and confusing. An improvement in energy efficiency is of concern to government, energy suppliers and consumers alike. But this just provides an opportunity for rogues to trade on confusion and the lack of information. The aim is to equip consumers with what they need to know to be able to make improvements but not to fall victim to the scammers.
841Peers vs the People - What was the press coverage like of the constitutional crisis that followed the House of Lords' attempts to frustrate Lloyd George's 1909 budget, dubbed 'the People's Budget'? Join us as we explore the newspaper archives.
837How extensive were Suffragette militant acts and what forms did they take? Join us as we delve into the online newspaper archives to discover how far some Suffragettes were willing to take the motto 'deeds not words'.
838What was the reaction to the Peterloo Massacre in August 1819? Join us as we examine copies of testimonies held at The National Archives and review contemporary newspaper accounts of this seminal event in our democratic heritage.
839What was the response to the first mass Chartist petition presented to Parliament in 1839? Join us as we delve into contemporary newspaper archives and biographies of key figures to find out more.
840The Great Unrest - The period 1910-1914 saw a wave of industrial action across Britain. In this Research Retreat we will look at one month in particular to map, using contemporary newspaper accounts, the scale of the challenge facing the government.
853Designing for Low Dexterity -
944The Room for Thought Group was formed to stimulate members who had not done any research for some years to satisfy their curiosity about a wide range of subjects. The subjects are chosen so that each member can take one facet of it, do research and then bring the results to the next meeting. For example, the Solar System was one subject and each member was given the task of finding out as much as they could about an individual planet. The result was a collection of facts which were so interesting that a small booklet was produced. Other subjects included "A famous scientist and his/her most important discovery", "A famous artist and the member's favourite picture" and "The Twenties" with each member looking at one facet of that decade.
983Article by John Lloyd on running an Architecture interest group. Expertise such as building, surveying or photography may come from members of the group. But once it is accepted that architecture embraces colour, shape, position, setting, aspect, structure, economics and history, everyone can be involved.
988Boston's Room for Thought group was formed to stimulate members who had not done any research for some years, to satisfy their curiosity about a wide range of subjects. Each member takes one aspect of an agreed topic and brings the results of their research to the next meeting. Every member has felt the satisfaction of digging out facts by their own research and have used a wide range of resources, including newspapers, libraries, encyclopaedias and of course the internet.
992U3A's 5th decade - Quo Vadis?
991A New Narrative for Ageing - are we ready for the 100 year life?
993Age Friendly London - an account of the U3A's involvement in the Mayor's initiative for London to become an age friendly city.
10072003 Survey of U3A Learning - summary of results from first stage
1008Leatherhead's Government and Politics group have researched the ways in which our government works, in both theory and practice. The group has looked at the monarchy, parliament, the executive, the EU and made comparisons with other countries
1070The Danish creolisation of English hypothesis. The cases and adjectival agreement of Old English disappeared rather quickly around 1132 in the East Midlands. We suspect Danes changed language.
1073Arts engagement and wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic: a survey of Canterbury and District u3a members Previous research has shown that the Covid pandemic has had a negative effect on the wellbeing of the general population. It has also suggested that engaging with the arts and creative activities can confer wellbeing benefits. We conducted an online survey and ran focus groups on Zoom to explore members' experiences of this during lockdown. We found that there was engagement with a variety of arts-related activities among our members and that this related to a number of wellbeing dimensions.
1084Family History 'Hints, Tips and Information' Booklet compiled by Warrington u3a Family History Group.