Project ID: 1048

DescriptionThe Science of Drug Abuse in Sport. The World Anti-Doping Agency may state that “Doping is Fundamentally Contrary to the Spirit of Sport”, but reports of sportspeople caught using drugs have been common for at least 50 years. This presentation will cover the mechanisms of action and the performance effects of a number of drugs commonly abused in a range of different sports, including those used to enhance endurance, for increasing strength, and for reduction of pain and fatigue. The side-effects of these drugs, ranging from acne to death, will also be discussed.
Medical and Health
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3ASt.Albans U3A
Year started2021
Source of referenceTalk given at the U3A Science Network Meeting (virtual), October 2021
This 45 minute talk and longer versions also covering drug detection are available either in person or by Zoom.  The speaker is the leader of St Albans Science & Technology group, and worked in the biomedical sector for 50 years.