Project ID: 471

DescriptionInter-generational project
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3ANorth Down & Ards U3A
Organization/partnerUFTM and other voluntary organisations
Year started2015
Source of referenceSources 61, June 17, p14
OutputInter-generational benefits, children taught to appreciate reading.
Development of literacy skills , development of children's and young people's skills for life and work

NotesThe project began with U3A participants have been reading to children in a story-telling kiosk at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, but has subsequently widened to working with primary schools in the area to improve literacy, and speaking to school children about life experiences. Now it has widened farther and participates with young people in the local further education college in talks about career choices and about setting up in business. Along the way the group has been the judges in Dragon’ Den and mystery shoppers in a Trade Fair. In these ways it has been involved with a wide number of local bodies dealing with the development of children and young people and has drawn contributions from many of the U3A members.