Project ID: 163

DescriptionU3A and Men - Survey of male membership and gender imbalance in U3As across London, NW Surrey, and nationally, in comparison with the demographics.
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3AMerton U3A
Year started2012
Source of referenceReport from Merton U3A. Articles in Third Age Matters: Autumn 2013 p.30 'Why men don't join'; Winter 2013 p.59 'A man's place'; New Year 2014 'A man's place p.68; Spring 2014 'Where have all the old men gone?'
DocumentsMen and U3A
Men and U3A (full report)
Men and u3a - appendices
NotesCompiled by Catherine Ware and Ann Salvage See also Project 296 - survey in 2009