Project ID: 711

DescriptionArthur Maltby has put his past profession as a indexer and archiver to good use, by researching and setting up an index of all the unusual U3A interest groups from around the country. The Index of The Rare covers subjects offered by less than 20 U3As which are unusual and cross references each U3A. So not Art, but ‘Art as Therapy’. Not French but languages like Turkish or Danish. Subjects include Sex in Ancient Times, Bolsheviks, Fungi, Zulu War Studies, Walking Netball and Writing Limericks.
TypeU3A-led research (not an SLP)
U3AHeswall U3A
Year started2017
Source of referenceNational email newsletter Nov 17
Sources 63, February 2018
OutputA-Z list and list by category of group - see Notes
NotesThe full lists will be available on the U3A national website shortly