Project ID: 712

DescriptionStapleford and District U3A has pioneered a local history research project documenting the names and personal details of every grave in the old part of the town’s Cemetery.  The Shared Learning Project involved around 18 U3A members who spent five months this year transcribing every detail of the headstones in the cemetery which dates back to 1884. This included using different research techniques to fill in the missing details which had been weathered away over time. 
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
U3AStapleford & District U3A
Year started2017
Source of referenceNational email newsletter Nov 17
OutputIt is planned to make the document available on the internet, spreadsheet, a booklet and to the local Studies library, Archive office, History Society and University. 
NotesOver 560 headstones were transcribed with 1100 individual names.