Project ID: 786

DescriptionThe Suffragettes in South London and the Arsonist Campaign. In 1912, Emmeline Pankhurst’s eldest daughter, Christabel, planned to escalate the WSPU’s militant action by launching an arson campaign. According to Sylvia Pankhurst, “Women, most of them very young, toiled through the night across unfamiliar country carrying heavy cases of petrol and paraffin. Sometimes they failed, sometimes succeeded in setting fire to an untenanted building- all the better if it were the residence of a notability – or a church, or other place of historic interest.”[1]
TopicsSocial history
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
Year started2018
Source of referenceCitizens 800 website - see below
NotesThis is one of number of SLPs linked to the Citizens project at Royal Holloway College - see file card 547 for details
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