Project ID: 787

DescriptionFirst World War Conscientious Objectors in South London There was no conscription in Britain at the beginning of the First World War. However, by the end of 1915, 528,272 men had been either killed, wounded, or were missing in action. In response, the government introduced The Military Service Act. It became law on 27 January 1916 and all unmarried men aged 18-41 were automatically enlisted. In May 1916 conscription was widened to include married men. Although many opposed conscription, few actively resisted. However, a significant number of conscientious objectors came from South London; a search of Cyril Pearce’s Register identifies 21 in Southwark, 46 in Bermondsey and 147 in Camberwell, Peckham and Dulwich.
TypeU3A-led research (SLP)
Year started2018
Source of referenceCitizens 800 website - see below
NotesThis is one of number of SLPs linked to the Citizens project at Royal Holloway College - see file card 547 for details
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